a normal day

Nothing unusual happened today, so I think I'll write about that. I sat in my favorite spot on the porch and did some school work. I packed some of husband's kitchen supplies into tubs to send someday to our apartment in Korea. I had lunch with Ashley and Eric the guy working on our house. I talked to husband online, extra long today because its the weekend. I held up things of his and he said 'trash,' 'store,' or 'korea.' I sat out by the pool and read the newspaper, but it was too chilly to swim so I went for a jog and then I was hot so I swam. I felt really good the rest of the day-- I think I need to do that more often. I went to the grocery with my mom and took ridiculously long picking out what kind of lowfat ice cream I wanted, then we went to the liquor store and I got a new kind of wine I had read about. We cooked hamburgers and zucchini on the grill, I sat on the deck with my dad sipping Amstel light while they cooked. While we ate we watched two episodes of BBC's Planet Earth. My mom complained how much the animals ate each other.

I really do like this life. I like routine. I liked my life in State College too. I could be perfectly happy here, maybe, if there wasn't the possibility of something even better. Last night I went into West Chester and walked around. Outdoor cafes and restaurants were packed with people, sipping wine and eating greasy food. The atmosphere reminded me of Italy, and made me miss husband painfully. I always miss him in crowds of people and outside at night.

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