I'm spending the fall in Korea

Today I was accepted into Seoul National University for the fall. This was infinitely important and crucial and needed and good. It's the difference between a few weeks with my husband over the summer, and living with him until December or January. It means I'll be spending the fall in Korea!

I'd been waiting to hear for months. I knew I would hear today (from an admissions email last week, not prophetic revelation). I didn't know how to react when I heard. I just went and told Ashley, and my mom, and Eric the guy working on our house. Then I walked around saying I didn't know what to do, then I tried to call Korea but it didn't go through, then Ashley said we needed to take a walk. Later today I went outside and cried in the rain. I think it was partly happiness, partly missing husband, partly feeling emo from the thunderstorm.

I'm spending the fall in Korea. I'm spending the fall in Korea. I'm spending the fall in Korea.

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